Western Pennsylvania Garden ClubsThe Blair Garden CubEvergreen Garden CubGlendale Area Garden ClubIndiana Garden ClubPatton Garden ClubWeeders & Seeders Garden Club of LigonierState and National Garden ClubsNational Garden ClubsCentral Atlantic Region of State Garden ClubsThe Garden Club Federation of PennsylvaniaRegional Public Gardens and ParksBowman’s Hill Wildflower PreserveChatham University ArboretumFallingwaterHartwood Acres ParkLaurel Hills State ParkLongwood GardensMont Alto ArboretumMount Assisi Shrines and Sunken GardensOld Economy VillagePhipps Conservatory and Botanical GardensPittsburgh Botanic GardenRenziehausen Park Rose Garden and ArboretumRodef Shalom Biblical Botanical GardenThe Arboretum at Penn StateThe National AviaryUS Botanic GardenUS National ArboretumGarden Tours10 Strange and Unique Gardens11 Must-See Virtual Gardens in the UK15 Most Beautiful Gardens in the WorldButchart Gardens, CanadaKeukenhof 2022Kirstenbosch National Botanical GardenLongwood Gardens, PAThe Garden of Ninfa, ItalyNational NurseriesAnnie’s Heirloom SeedsBluestone PerennialsBreck’sBurpee Seeds and PlantsFedco SeedsFerry-MorseGurney’sHolland Bulb FarmsJohnny's Selected SeedsMichigan Bulb CompanyPark SeedPinetree Garden SeedsRenee’s GardenSeed Savers ExchangeSpring Hill NurseriesWhite Flower Farm Club PresentationsN. American Horticulture to 1492 (Part 1)N. American Horticulture to 1492 (Part 2)Plastics in the EnvironmentArticles/PublicationsASPCA - Toxic/Non-Toxic Plants for Pets Bee Basics (PDF)Better Homes & Gardens Plant EncyclopediaA Gardener’s Guide to Poisonous PlantsMid-Atlantic Pollinator PlantsPollinator Power (PDF)RoundUp Alternatives for Your Lawn and GardenSelecting Plants for Pollinators (PDF)Seminars and ClassesPenn State Extension WorkshopsPhipps ConservatorySandyvale Memorial Gardens & ConservancyState, National and International Organizations & WebsitesA Way to GardenAlmanacAmerican Horticultural SocietyAmerican Public Gardens AssociationBBC Gardening GuidesCenter for Plant ConservationDIY GardenGarden Beastgardeningknowhow.comHappy DIY HomeKids Gardeninghttps://www.wildflower.org/ Million Pollinator Garden ChallengeNational Audubon SocietyNational Wildlife FederationNorth American Butterfly AssociationPhiladelphia Horticulture Society (Flower Show)Pollinator PartnershipPollinator-Friendly Native Plant Lists The Royal Horticultural Society, UKSkippy’s Vegetable GardenThe Tasteful GardenUS Department of AgricultureLocal Nurseries/Flower FarmsAmenity Plant ProductsBaker’s Home and Garden CenterBest Feeds Garden CenterBruce NurseriesChapon’s Greenhouse and SupplyGrandview Nurseries, Inc.Hahn NurseryHess’ Landscape NurseryJoseph’s Nursery & Garden CenterMeder’s Nursery and Garden CenterMichael Brothers NurseryPlumline NurseryPutman PlaceQuality GardensShadyside NurseryWolfe Nursery